Create themes with AI

Express yourself with generative themes.

Quickly generate custom themes based on the subject, mood, visual style, and color of your choosing. To get started, simply visit the Customize Chrome side panel, click Change theme, and then Create with AI.

Learn more about AI themes

Meet the next generation
of AI in Chrome

AI is already used across Chrome in performance, productivity, accessibility, privacy, and security. Now generative AI features will make it even easier and more efficient to browse — all while keeping your experience personalized to you.

  • Google Lens

    Search what you see.

    Search and ask questions about what you see with Google Lens in Chrome across your devices. You can take a photo of something you see or select anything on a page to search it, like text in a video or an item in an image. You'll get answers right in your tab, and, depending on your search, you might get an AI Overview response.

    Learn more about Google Lens
  • Start your chat with

    A new tab that says 'Chat with Gemini' and has '@ gemini — Chat with Gemini' highlighted as an option
  • Write with confidence.

  • Automatic tab group suggestions.

    Tab groups are helpful, if you create them. With Tab organizer, Chrome can automatically suggest and create groups from your open tabs. Just right-click on a tab and select Organize Similar Tabs or click the drop-down arrow to the side of your tabs.

    Learn more about Tab organizer
    A section of a browser with tabs open about rental cars, sushi, and visiting Tokyo. Below, there is tab group suggestion that says 'Japan Trip' with a Cherry Blossom emoji.

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